A friend of mine posted on her blog today about living the dream. I wonder what that is...
I thought living the dream meant being single and self-supporting... it wasn't.
I thought living the dream would be marriage and a couple kids...it wasn't.
I thought living the dream would be being an 'empty-nester' with a six figure income... it wasn't.
I thought living the dream would be semi-retired on my own little 5 acres of heaven, in a good marriage and pretty much able to do what I want when I want....but it isn't.
I don't have that 'I'm so happy to be alive and living the dream' feeling that I THINK people who are really living their dream have.
Don't get me wrong - I am grateful for what I have - but.... there always seems to be a 'but' or an 'if only' at the end of most of my sentences.
Maybe the problem isn't my life, but my 'thinking' there's something more out there that keeps me from being happy with today....
I guess I'll have to think about that....
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