Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The need to be right

I believe I have one of the greatest needs of anyone I know to be right.  It isn't just about knowing facts - it's about everything in life from how to pack the car correctly to who God is.
Being wrong isn't an option.  And if I ever do happen to be wrong - it's usually because of something you did or said - so ultimately it's your fault.
Everything I did in life until now was justified.  If I lied, it was because I couldn't justify my action, point of view, whatever.  The truth is - in my mind, everything has to be justified, defendable and logical. 
I remember consciously deciding to lie to my husband when I passed the road he would have taken to our destination.  I decided to tell him that I just forgot - when the truth was - I just wanted to go a different way.  I didn't want to get in to a debate about which way was better, shorter, easier.  Because I couldn't 'justify' my decision with logic - I decided to lie.  Is that sick or what?

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